Master Powder Coatings

Business Categories: Plating, Powder Coating, and Sandblasting


1 Reviews on “Master Powder Coatings”

1 reviews
  • Orlando H. Listing Owner

    I have used Master Powder Coating a number of times in the past before they moved from Bloomfield Ave and never had a problem. I dropped off a big 2 panel gate to powder coat and had to call them 4 times over 3 days to finally get a price. During the installation of the gate I noticed that they dropped a gate panel during powder coat and damaging it by putting a dent on it, taking a welded cap off and taking it out of square. It's not difficult to figure out the panel was dropped, its big and heavy and it has to be hung to be powder coated. Called them and they denied the entire thing, the young man "in charge" was very rude, accused me of being unethical and said that my gate looked by crap in the first place.
    The gate was already installed when I noticed the damage and couldn't figure out why it was not square anymore. Stuff happens no body is perfect. I would have been happy with them redoing the power coat and me doing the repairs. It would cost them next to nothing to keep a long time customer happy. I am stuck with a $1,000 dollar powder coat job that has a dent, I have no way to weld the cap they knocked off and my customer is not happy with his gate. I suggest you take the shrink-wrap off your stuff before leaving!!!!! Extremely disappointed, upset, I may have to pay someone else to powder coat the gate again I am still trying to work that out with my customer and I lost 3 nights of sleep. THANK YOU Master Powder Coating.

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