Santa Clara Powder Coating Inc.


3 Reviews on “Santa Clara Powder Coating Inc.”

Very Good
3 reviews
  • Mike C. Listing Owner

    I haven't had them do powder coating, but I've had them replace webbing on my patio chairs several times. They are always very nice, do it when they promise, and do a very professional job. If I needed powder coating, I'd certainly try them.

  • John A. Listing Owner

    spoke to David, he was nice to me. Knowledgeable and helpful, would do business with them again. He also mentioned they offer pickup and delivery if needed!

  • Tae K. Listing Owner

    the phone representative is very rude.
    i would never call again.
    i was asking about different type of coating.
    i think phone connection was not good.
    and she asked me back like
    "WHAT coating?"
    like really rude.
    i was pissed immediately
    poor customer service.

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